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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thoughts about Covid and the Age of the Vaccine

Yesterday I found out that Uncle Sam, my dad’s big brother, has Covid. 

Dad, seated, with Uncle Sam, standing, at our family reunion about 13 years ago.

Sam is the first family member who is really at risk with Covid, since he is a diabetic, overweight, and of advanced age (high 80s). He was transferred recently to a long-term care facility since he couldn’t take care of himself – his legs were swollen and he had been falling too often. But now he has contracted Covid. And I’m concerned that standard protocol, which includes an expensive but dangerous treatment called Remdesivir, may do him in. It causes organ failure, and the patient’s lungs will fill with fluid, drowning him...

But today, I wanted to speak to the shot. So very many people, when giving their opinions about the “Covid Vaccine,” can be heard using the caveat “I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but … “ Presumably, that is so they can appear to not be “too extreme” when speaking of unconstitutional Covid vaccine mandates, or even when just opposed to this particular vaccine. It’s the same tack that, most notably politicians, have used over the decades when discussing their views on abortion – “I’m not anti-abortion,” they’ll say, “but I don’t think the taxpayers should fund it,” or “but I wouldn’t have one myself.” They may word it a bit differently, but they would really like to project the image that they’re comfortable riding the fence.

Here are my views on vaccines in general, as well as the one currently in question. I’m pretty sure I’ve already written about the Covid one, but you might like to hear my stories about vaccines in general as well.

Usually, when homeschooling our kids using the KONOS curriculum, we would gather unto ourselves like-minded individuals with kids near the same ages as ours. That gave our kids “peers” and interaction with other human beings besides their own siblings, but in a controlled environment. “Like-minded” could usually happen, but there was never a perfect match, just as a marriage usually has differences in personality and opinions between the participants, even if they are honest-to-goodness soul-mates.

So, when KONOS took our home school into a science unit that explored the invention of the polio vaccine and other related topics, we put it on the school year calendar. Some members of the group disagreed so strongly about how to teach it to their own children that we never had any co-ops in that unit. I was on the side of disapproving of invasive medical procedures. In fact, our kids hardly ever went to a hospital or emergency room. Other families in the group were more in tune with medical stuff than I. 

I wish I could remember the name of the book we had on our shelf, but since it was a paperback, it probably bit the dust after so much use, or else it was lent out. It had the name of a doctor in the title. There were found in its pages simple solutions to various medical problems, and we frequently employed them. For example, some of our friends were always at the emergency room with a child who had an ear infection. But according to the author of my book, the main problem with an ear infection was the pain. He recommended warm olive oil in the affected ear(s) and said the child’s hearing would return with the birds in the spring. (It didn’t usually take that long.) 

When it came to vaccinations, I read that it wasn’t such a great idea to shoot up our kids with germs, be they alive or dead. I learned that most or all of the later cases of polio were actually caused by the vaccine, and that polio itself had been eradicated, so the WHO finally stopped recommending it.

This was news to me. I grew up going to a public school, so my family all got our shots on schedule along with everyone else.

Everyone older than I had the tell-tale scar on their upper arm to show they’d had a single sore from where the smallpox vaccine had been injected. I’m not sure why I never had that pock like everyone else, but I do remember that they gave us school kids an oral vaccine for polio on a sugar cube. We were just happy to get the sugar cube, but we never thought about its having a live virus in it.

Not only did I have my shots on time, I joined the Air Force upon graduation from high school, where I was guaranteed to have as many shots as they could get into my arms. Nobody asked, “Did you already have (this particular) vaccination?” We just stood in line and everybody got one. There were always people who didn’t like all those shots, but it was always because of the pain from the needle or the revolutionary new air gun or because they had a fear of needles or shots in the first place. I was no such weenie! I took my shots bravely, without a complaint.

But nobody, to my knowledge, ever questioned whether we needed the shots, or whether they were beneficial or actually harmful. Of course they were good, of course they worked, and of course we should always trust those guys in the white lab coats who were giving us the shots.

When you have a baby in a hospital, they start by giving shots before you leave the place because some percentage of mothers who give birth have venereal diseases or have been using street drugs. They don’t explore whether you personally would answer to that description, they just explain that for your newborn baby’s health, it would be better to inject him with viruses. 

And, they immediately want you to set up a relationship with a pediatrician. The pediatrician’s staff begin scheduling your child for “well baby checks,” and soon, as your family size grows, you feel like you’re seeing the doctor more often than your husband! By the time Robyn was born (at home), I was not on the bandwagon with this anymore. They always wanted to give more shots whenever we went there. So we made the decision that if our children wanted or needed shots at some point, they could get them on their own. And we decided to stop going to well baby checks. If our kids were very sick, we’d take them to the doctor. Most of the time, we just let them ride out an illness at home.

Once, I had the opportunity to serve as “parent advisor” on a board of Carroll County residents who had the authority to spend money from state grants. This board mostly consisted of social workers, but the Carroll County Health Department also had a nurse there. After one of my births, this nurse asked me, during a meeting, whether my baby had had all her shots. All eyes were on me and I was blushing from the exposure, but I told her no, we didn’t need the proffered vaccinations. Also, I wasn’t going to set up a visit to the Health Department, and it didn’t really matter that the vaccinations were free. The reactions ranged from disapproval to incredulity, but nobody there understood our line of thinking.

Years later, Valerie, at age 16, visited a doctor for the first time when she had a huge splinter embedded under her toenail. I figured this was going to require a doctor’s expertise. After novocaine and some finagling, the splinter was out and the nurse was talking about a tetanus shot. I figured that would be the case. Nobody wants lockjaw from an infection! She came back with a syringe and injected the contents into my daughter’s arm. Then, this same nurse came back with a consent form for DTP.

“HOLD ON! What’s this? You said she was going to get a tetanus shot.”

“She did! There’s tetanus in the DTP.”

“I did not consent to diphtheria and pertussis! Why did you give her that?”

“Well, she wasn’t current, so I thought I would catch her up.”

It’s possible they didn’t even have a separate tetanus shot available to them at that point (out of stock?). But I was pretty agitated. The standard operating procedure was to get the consent form signed first. If there had been any adverse effects, they would have heard from me.

And finally, the older we got, the more I really didn’t want to go to the doctor’s for much, unless I really was sick. We didn’t have insurance, and I thought I would probably notice if there was anything truly wrong with me. When it came to annual flu shots, I heard people talking about how they felt sick because they’d just had one. I was just silly enough to think maybe the flu shot was supposed to prevent you from getting sick, but what do I know, right? So I skipped the shot and just got flu – and colds, and bronchitis, and other things we couldn’t really identify because they were just “a bug” of some kind. It wasn’t that big of a deal.

We all pretty much accepted the inevitability of being sick from time to time. It is the condition of mankind! And then, after you spend some time in bed, drinking plenty of fluids, taking a decongestant, and using up all the tissues, you get better and go back to school or work or church. I never once counted seasonal flu as a dreaded enemy of mankind that I must avoid at all costs. 

Enter Covid. Suddenly, a sickness that hadn’t even reached our shores was being promoted as “The Invisible Enemy.” We were hungry for the current news from the home front and listened for hours as President Trump, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Birx answered every question put to them. There was a case here, another there. The numbers were going up! People were dying! If you had Covid, you might not even know it, and you could give it to Grandma, and she would die. 

Some of us were thrilled to be considered worthy – make that “essential” – and others had to shutter their businesses and stay home. We were grateful that we were able to make a living but had to make expensive changes to our business model. So we took out a Payroll Protection Plan loan, and got the job done. Our governor said that churches were essential! And he praised the churches who had gone to livestream format so their parishioners could stay home and watch church in their pj’s. Live-streaming, disinfecting, handwashing, and elbow-bumping became patriotic. We were all in this together!

Then, masks became the turning point for me. I was not able to shop for any length of time wearing one without feeling sluggish and faint. After a while, I mostly simply ignored the signs that recommended those “coughy filters” and I refused to enter a store if they had a mask Nazi on duty. I had seen enough videos and read enough articles by then, to understand the complete ineffectiveness of masks to prevent the spread of any virus, but also understood the dangers of breathing in your own carbon dioxide all day, not to mention the psychological dangers of having your communication center (your face) covered.

But as I resisted the masks, the “Powers That Be” doubled down on their tyranny and, using a lawless edict which circumvented the constitutional legislative power of each of the 50 states, the man in the White House gave millions of working men and women the middle finger, saying either you allow a poison shot to be injected into your bloodstream, or you will lose the means to provide for your family. To the employers, he said you can either be a vax Nazi to all of your employees on our behalf, or we will cancel your business with crushing fines.

I have not forgotten the book I read all those years ago, even if I can’t remember its title. There is no question that I do not want any part of the mRNA gene therapy shot. It ruins the immune system, causes blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, polio-like symptoms, and immune deficiency that looks a lot like AIDS. There are over a million adverse effects in the UK’s vaccine adverse effects database and over 30,000 of those adverse effects are death. Everything about this shot violates the Nuremberg Code, which was set up to prevent ghastly experiments on unwilling human subjects. And it is happening all over the world. The disease, and now the vax, are bioweapons designed to depopulate the Earth.

We should have enough real information at our disposal now to make this informed decision, but most people do not dig beyond the Yahoo homepage on their Google browser. What must be done is to use Rumble or another small video service to find interviews with people like Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Simone Gold, or Dr. Bryan Ardis, or shows like Stew Peters or Bongino, or NewsMax. You need to search using a free-speech oriented search engine like DuckDuckGo. Hardly a day goes by without at least one of my friends sending me a link to a fascinating interview … because Facebook, as an arm of the Democrat administration, would not have approved of the information and would have suppressed it.

What you would find says that many of those vaccines that were used in the past weren’t as safe or effective as they made them out to be, and that deception has characterized Big Pharma for a really long time. There’s a link to autism in children. There is evidence that the Bill Gates Foundation has caused paralysis in African children via Bill’s “humanitarian” vaccine programs – but why should we care? They’re just Africans, right? There’s a lot of information available about the objections to vaccines because of the use of fetal cell lines (from aborted babies), either as an ingredient or to test them. 

Vaccine injury seems to be the case with a friend of ours, from the requirements to work in local meat processing plants. Sadly, no one believes him.

And now, they want us to believe that a vaccine, or any of the ones on the market, all of which were developed at “warp speed” to save us from the life-threatening illness without any animal trials at all .. should be safe and effective for the whole world? So much so that they insist they are good for pregnant and nursing women, chlidren who are not at risk, people who already have antibodies from prior infection, and those with allergies to the ingredients? And even for babies? Really? There are absolutely no contraindications? Should we all stand in line and patriotically roll up our sleeves?

NO. I will say it loudly and clearly, with no caveats. I may be making myself a target, but I am anti-vax. And I despise the villainy behind the Covid virus, developed in China with the help of our taxpayer money from Fauci’s NIH, as well as the mRNA products that are being forced upon the populace. This is not good, not healthy, and not even scientific. Doctor Fauci is a psychopath. We must resist, get information, and just say NO. Be a “Pureblood.” (Note: “Just say no” used to be a thing when talking about drugs.) Here’s a 31-item bullet list for why we should say no. 

Please pray for my uncle. I hope I can talk to him one more time, but I know he loves Jesus, so he will be safe, however this turns out. Thank you, Jesus!

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