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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Mothers Day: Matters of Death and Matters of Life

Three of our children will be having babies in 2022, should the Lord tarry.  Another, who hasn’t the ability to have any more of her own, has begun the process of adoption. The best argument for Life is women having babies.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

~Jesus Christ, John 10:10

In 1998, I was pregnant with my eighth baby.  But we had a problem.  Eric and I could not agree upon a girl's name, and back then we didn’t have routine “gender reveals,” so we had to be prepared for either of the two sexes.  We wanted to know what we would name the tiny child in the womb as soon as he or she emerged.  We had a boy's name, but the girl's one was just coming harder.

We didn’t have internet searches back then to find out what was the coolest new name; we had no desire to name our child something weird the way Elon Musk has done with his poor kids; and some names we presented to each other were rejected because “I knew somebody with that name once, and they came to a bad end.”  It was August and the baby was due in a couple months. So, with the name decision still on our plate, we packed the well-worn Baby Names paperback book in the car along with all our other kids, and headed north, where we intended to have a fun time at the beach on Lake Michigan.

It was stressful for me to cross the state line.  Michigan was the state where “Doctor Death” (a.k.a. “Jack Kevorkian”) lived and was literally murdering people openly.  Kevorkian was challenging society’s norms about so-called “doctor-assisted suicide” by providing his little invention that could, by activating it, cause death in his “patients.”  He would visit his victims with his death machine and allow them to push the button to inject themselves with lethal drugs, and then when they were dead, he would drop off the bodies outside the morgue.  They didn’t know what to do with him because “physician-assisted suicide” was not illegal in Michigan.

This gruesome current event, coupled with my experience of life in my womb, led to the eventual discovery of a name beginning with a “V”, having exhausted every name on every page of the Girls Names half of the book up to that point.  “Vivian” meant “Alive,” and I was very cognizant that our baby had escaped the fate of so many of her peers.  She was vibrantly alive and kicking in my womb, safe from death.

For a middle name, we chose “Belle,” which meant “Beautiful.”  “Alive and Beautiful” was my baby whom I had not yet seen, but I knew she would be.  And I was right!

Fast Forward to 2022

Now, twenty-four years later, the Left is screaming bloody murder concerning the Supreme Court leak, which foretells their monumental decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and threatens to undermine the constantly flowing blood money, from the taxpayer to the abortion industry, and from the abortion industry to Democrat candidates.

Yesterday morning, there was news of a fire-bombed pro-life ministry, and that Justice Alito and his family had been removed to an undisclosed location to prevent his harm, since the White House was peculiarly silent when anti-life forces doxed those justices and encouraged people to illegally protest outside their homes.

If this Twitter comment, concerning the burned pro-life ministry isn’t criminal rhetoric by a so-called “journalist,” I don’t know what is:

While “Dr. Death” himself died eleven years ago within the prison system, our nation’s culture of death has only grown stronger.  Those responsible for the Molotov cocktail in the building had also painted symbols and slogans on the outside including “If abortion isn’t safe, you aren’t either.”

Prophetic Grandchildren?

Regarding the Haley babies that are due in 2022, two of them will be bearers of the Haley family name, so we call the one due in June “The Crown Prince” and the one due in August “The Duke of New Mexico.”  Actually, assuming the ultrasound and the gender reveal can be trusted, the babies’ names will be “Amos James” and “Ezekiel James,” both named after Old Testament prophets.

“Amos” means “Burdened,” and these days are sometimes hard to bear.  With the attack on the family and the active recruitment of school children into the forces of evil, our nation groans under the current oppressive regime.

“Ezekiel” means “God Will Strengthen,” which is the only way we can safely navigate through these perilous times.

“James” is a derivative of “Jacob,” who, as you must know, was the famous “heel catcher” of Bible times, the “supplanter” who was at odds with his twin brother and cheated him out of his inheritance.

In Bible times, babies were not accidentally named.  And we see several who were named long before they were born.  I see these two Haley grandsons, named after prophets, as prophets themselves, and before uttering a word or even breathing air, their names tell a story.

When we are burdened with a heavy weight of concern for the current generation and its culture of death, …

We must pray and seek God, who will strengthen our hand and strengthen our spirit. …

In that way, we can supplant all the evil plans of the enemy against us. Jesus is already victorious.

Several weeks ago, I mentioned how we’d been praying at 3:00 every day that God would shut down Planned Parenthood and I wondered if that would ever happen.  Then, after that, I wrote that … maybe God didn’t do that yet because He had something even better in mind -- maybe to overturn Roe v. Wade completely?

Now I am writing that the answer to prayer may have happened; that the 3:00 prayers and those from Life Chain and 40 Days for Life were heard after all, along with all those of other praying Christian soldiers; that the Supreme Court has developed a backbone; and that they may actually stand up for what is right.  It looks like they will overturn both Roe and Casey and stop trying to compromise to avoid conflict.  Doing what is right often does cause conflict, but it is preferable to be on the right side of the conflict.

What Do We Do Now?

What should we then do?  Well, the battle is far from over.  Roe vs. Wade nationalized a fake “abortion right,” which was a grave injustice in our nation, nullifying all the states’ protections for unborn life.  The end of Roe only means handing it back to the states again.  Each state, if it wishes to protect life, must enact its own laws again.

Tomorrow, Wednesday May 11, the Senate is poised to vote on extreme abortion bills that the leak was supposed to push to the finish line, to beat the actual ruling in the Supreme Court.  Pro-life organizations like ACLJ are swiftly doing all they can to stop this bill and preparing to challenge it in court, should it succeed.

We must pray, support these groups, and stay on top of matters.  In a nutshell:

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

~Jesus Christ, John 10:10

Killing is what the abortion industry does best.  Destroying is what the anti-life forces tried to do to the pro-life ministry’s business.  Look for more of that.  Stealing, such as passing horrific extreme anti-life laws contrary to the will of the people, is done by trickery and bribery, when we are not looking.

Next week is the opening of a very timely movie, The Matter of Life. My link will take you to where you can buy tickets for yourself and friends, so that others who are still unpersuaded can consider this crucial matter for themselves.

But the other way to push back against the attack on the family is to firmly take the reins of power away from the Government and insist on doing things God’s way.  And so I say: Have babies!  Have many babies!  Every baby is unwanted -- by the devil.  He wants them all killed because they are created in God’s image and he is a God hater.

Here’s a picture of a friend of mine that I snatched from her Facebook page.  Courtney (in the blue-green shirt) played Mother Mary in our homeschool co-op’s small Christmas production of “Wise Guys and Starry Skies” a long time ago.  Now she is mother to 13 kids.  (Yes, this is an old picture.  That’s her mom and dad in the picture, along with her and her husband.)

Every time Courtney and Denny add another baby made in God’s image to the earth’s population, it is a slap in the face to the enemy of our souls.  As a mom, she and her family are having a quiet revolution against the tyranny of our times.  She’s too smart to fall for the gaslighting that says they are crazy and they can’t afford so many children.  

Courtney is a Mama Bear, an influencer, a fighter. This is what Mother’s Day is all about.  Women are empowered when they appropriate God’s power and strength, to do those “normal” day-to-day things like feeding the family, keeping the house from falling apart, and teaching their children right from wrong, and thereby, they supplant the plans of the enemy.  This is an act of war, and it is an act of faith.  In and of itself, having children in a two-parent family (man with wife) is a sacred and beautiful act.  

Dear Father in Heaven,

We know full well that You love children because You have adopted so many of us into Your family.

We pray for those who are seeking to pull the plug on Roe vs. Wade, a badly-decided anti-life ruling that has had over 60 million casualties.  We thank You that when we were burdened with those deaths, You heard our prayers and sent us President Trump to appoint three good pro-life justices, and then You answered 50 years of prayers by allowing these justices to rule and overturn Roe and Casey.  We pray for their courage, that You would strengthen their resolve, and we pray for their safety and that of their family.

We also pray for those who are vigilant about not letting the enemy sneak through the back door while we’re watching the front door.  Empower them with your Spirit and give them good success.

And we pray for those who are mothers, whether they have one child or 20 or more.  We pray for stamina because it is hard work to even keep up with the laundry.  Strengthen their resolve to be Mama Bears, to push back against the tide of anti-life tyranny and raise up a family unto You.

This is their time!

In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!

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